
Change your job, or change your job?

In their book "First, Break All the Rules" - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman (formerly of Gallop Research) outline the results of a significant study on why employees leave their organization.
Their conclusion? People don't quit their company, they primarily quit their boss. Buckingham picks up on this theme further in his book "The One Thing You Need to Know" and discusses Management, Leadership, and personal development as a leader.
From my years in organizational development and building high performing teams, I am convinced that if people are in a situation where they feel they have no way to influence the situation for the better, they will likely look other places.

It's not usually the hard work or challenges of the job that cause the exit.

Recognition, shared pain (no favourites) and the ability to have a voice with regards to their area of responsibility goes a long way.
Think about the jobs you have left. What was the "real" reason you gave your notice if it wasn't to advance to a better position?

Was it the company? or your boss?

What if YOU are the boss?  Do you see a lot of churn on your team?

It may not be your team that has the problem.

As one wise person once said... "Did you ever notice the common element in all your dysfunctional relationships... is YOU?"

Being a leader today is not about being a boss.  Leaders lead. Bosses boss.

People want to follow a leader.

Let me suggest that it's time to look in the mirror. These books can help (and I speak from personal experience) in helping you become a better leader.


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